1x6 #2 Yellow Pine Flooring
(5-1/8" Exposure)
Flooring, Wall, or Ceiling application
Call for quote.
**Cost is based on quantity.

2x8 #1 Yellow Pine Log Siding
(6-1/4" Exposure)
Siding Application, Interior and Exterior
Call for quote.
**Cost is based on quantity.

11/16"x8" Western Red Cedar Bevel Siding
Actual size: 7-1/4"
Exposure: 6-1/4"
Has one smooth one side and rough sawn on the other.
Call for quote.
**Cost is based on quantity.
**Also keep cedar 2x and timbers.**

1x6 Western Red Cedar V-Joint Tongue and Groove
5" Exposure
Wall or Ceiling application, Interior or Exterior
Call for quote.
**Cost is based on quantity.
**Also keep cedar 2x and timbers.**

11/16"x8" #2 Cypress Bevel Siding
Actual Size: 7-1/4"
Exposure: 6-1/4"
Interior and Exterior Siding Application
Call for quote.
**Cost is based on quantity.

2x6 Prime Grade Yellow Pine V-Joint Tongue & Groove
5" Exposure
Flooring and Exposed Ceiling Application
Call for quote.
**Cost is based on quantity.

Western Red Cedar Shakes
20 square feet per bundle
Roof Application
Call or email for current pricing.
Cost is dependent on quantity of order.
**Also keep cedar 2x and timbers.**

1x8 Pine Drop Siding
6-5/8" Exposure
Both #2 pine and C-Grade pine
Call or email for current pricing.
**Cost could change based on pick up location. Please call or email for pricing in your area.